Greater Than One | GTO


OXLUMO® (lumasiran) Launch wins ELITE 2021 Award

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By GTO |



Early last year, Alnylam released OXLUMO® (lumasiran), the first FDA-approved treatment for primary hyperoxaluria type 1 (PH1). Alnylam realized that OXLUMO could dramatically improve patient outcomes, but also understood that marketing and communicating its benefits would pose significant challenges. To meet them, the company retained Greater Than One (GTO) as a digital AOR.

GTO delivered in a big way with a campaign that established Alnylam as a trusted leader in the PH1 community. The work leveraged audience testing and an impactful, CTA-driven website, with the principal goal of helping individuals diagnosed with PH1 learn more about their disease. Conceived, tested, and premiered virtually—all in 6 months—the campaign exceeded its year-end key performance indicators in just 9 weeks.

In recognition of their success and the impact they helped make on lives of PH1 patients, PM360 acknowledged the GTO and Alnylam launch team with an ELITE 2021 Award.

Learn more via the award announcement from PM360.


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