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Marketing Healthcare to Gen Z: Strategy

Picture of By  Amanda Powers-Han |

By Amanda Powers-Han |



Members of Generation Z are emerging into adulthood and quickly becoming one of the most discerning, thoughtful cohorts of consumers in US history. As they grow more financially independent, they will begin to use their large collective spending power to choose healthcare options that fit their lifestyle, ethics, and personal brand. 

In a previous post, I talked about how to tailor healthcare messaging to this technologically-minded, brand-conscious, and convenience-seeking generation. That messaging will only go so far, though, if it doesn’t reach its target audience. Here are some marketing strategies that will help ensure that your messaging gets in front of Gen Zers: 

Digital Marketing

It’s difficult to understate the importance of digital media on the lives of Gen Zers. Almost all members of Gen Z own a smartphone and 55 percent spend five or more hours per day on one. Any marketing effort that doesn’t include a digital component will struggle to reach this audience. Blending multiple digital marketing strategies, from SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, marketing analytics, and more, will ensure that messages get the visibility they need to be impactful. Efficient app and website design are also a worthy investment when it comes to reaching Gen Zers. About 60 percent won’t use apps that are too slow to load.

Social Media

A significant part of digital marketing is social media campaigning. But whether it’s TikTok, Snapchat, or Instagram, it’s not enough to stick an ad on the platform and hope it gets traction. Gen Zers have more social media savvy than any preceding generation. Healthcare marketers need to take care that any advertisement is tailored to the specific platform and feels current, fun, and genuine. For example, quickly responding to and participating in social media trends can be a great way to reach and interact with Gen Zers on any platform. 


One of the most direct, effective ways to reach a Gen Z audience is through influencer partnerships. Gen Zers are highly likely to make purchases based on recommendations from trusted influencers. Healthcare marketers should spend time learning about popular social media accounts that might be reaching the audiences they’re aiming for. It’s also important when conducting this research to remember that more followers doesn’t necessarily mean more impact. While mega- and macro-influencers (500,000+ followers) have the most visibility, people tend to pay more attention to their closest connections. Nano- and micro-influencers (think 5,000 to 20,000 followers), will actually have a larger effect on individual purchasing decisions.

Video Learning

YouTube remains one of the most popular sites for Gen Zers, and they don’t just use it to cheer up and wind down. This video sharing platform is a powerful learning tool; 80 percent of Gen Z users say that it “has helped them become more knowledgeable about something.” Video tutorials and presentations are a highly effective way to engage with Gen Zers. As an added bonus, YouTube allows users to embed their videos on almost every social media platform, so you can easily share your YouTube content on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and more. 

New Technologies

Gen Zers are more open to and trusting of new technologies. They gravitate toward wearable devices, like smartwatches and fitness trackers, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Embracing these technologies can expand a healthcare company’s reach. Similarly, services like telemedicine and telehealth solutions will draw in tech-savvy Gen Zers

Concise and Visually Dynamic Messaging

As much as new technologies and social media appeal to Gen Zers, traditional forms of advertising are still an effective way to reach a younger audience. Physical ads on public transportation, TV ad slots, and print ads in magazines will still reach Gen Zers, as long as they are eye-catching, relevant, and concise. Members of Gen Z live in a fast-paced, distracting world where everything is competing for their attention. Simple, streamlined graphic design, bold concepts, and minimal copy will help get your message across clearly and efficiently.


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